
Australian Disaster Resilience Snapshot on the Knowledge Hub

The Australian Disaster Resilience Snapshot captures what is working and what is needed in the journey toward a disaster resilient Australia.

Delegates at the inaugural Australian Disaster Resilience Conference in Perth this year will remember several flipcharts placed around the main conference room that called on their contribution.

These flipcharts served an important purpose: to harness the collective wisdom of our delegates and provide the opportunity to share knowledge, experience and views about what is working and what is needed to take us forward for a disaster resilient Australia.

The delegates reflected voices and views from all levels of government, emergency services, emergency management, health, academia, the private sector, not-for-profits and community groups. The knowledge shared by the group has been brought together in a conference output, the Australian Disaster Resilience Snapshot.

The observations, comments and calls for action included in the snapshot address resilience at multiple levels, from the individual and their community, through to national and global strategic directions.

The snapshot also synthesises delegate insights in response to two key questions:

  • Thinking to the future, what’s one change you’d like to see that will help create a more disaster resilient Australia?
  • What’s one small action you can take now to develop and support community resilience in Australia?

AIDR thanks conference delegates for their enthusiasm and willingness to share their perspectives. Delegates are encouraged to share this snapshot widely and use it as a disaster resilience conversation starter within their organisations and networks.  

The snapshot and 2018 conference proceedings are available in the Australian Disaster Resilience Conference Collection on the Knowledge Hub.