
Evacuation Planning Handbook review update

The Evacuation Planning Handbook (AIDR 2017) has been triggered for review to reflect the current disaster risk reduction policy landscape, new Handbooks in the Australian Disaster Resilience Handbook Collection and to include and incorporate recent learnings and recommendations from the 2020 Royal Commission into National Natural Disaster Arrangements, other state inquiries and agency debriefs.

Mapping of the current Handbook against the 2020 Royal Commission, NSW Bushfire Inquiry and Victorian IGEM recommendations has been completed with key areas of the Handbook identified for update through this mapping exercise and a further extensive environmental scan and review.

The Handbook will be a high-level, principles-based guidance document with contemporary material and practice for jurisdictions to utilise in developing inclusive evacuation planning documents, that align with jurisdictional emergency management legislation, plans and practice.

A Scoping Draft is currently out for review with the Working Group with a meeting scheduled this month to develop the first draft.