
Join the DRANZSEN Forum in Brisbane

AIDR is excited to bring the DRANZSEN Forum to Brisbane on 25 August as part of the Australian Disaster Resilience Conference. Register now for this free event.

The Australian Institute for Disaster Resilience (AIDR), through the Education for Young People program, promotes the development of hazard-related knowledge, skills and strategies for all young Australians.  Disaster resilience education (DRE) offers a vision of young Australians who are empowered to participate as active members in skilled and resilient communities, working to reduce the risk of disaster.

The DRANZSEN Forum will draw on leading examples from across the states and territories, enabling participants to benefit from the diverse experiences of experts and educators from all around the country. There will be the opportunity to hear from young Australians and learn from their reflections on disaster resilience learning experiences, and suggestions for development.

More information and the program will be available on the AIDR Events page soon.

The forum offers an unparalleled opportunity to interact with representatives from education and emergency services, NGOs, universities, local government, and community groups. Event participants will explore effective models of disaster resilience education and supporting research.

Who should attend?

  • Emergency service representatives in youth and community education interested in developing their practice and collaborating with others.
  • School leadership teams and educators interested in programs to reduce risk and build resilience in their local communities.
  • Classroom teachers interested in developing content knowledge and awareness of resources and networks.
  • Teaching associations, state and federal government education department representatives, and other affiliated organisations.


The Disaster Resilient Australia-New Zealand School Education Network (DRANZSEN) is a national initiative of the AIDR. DRANZSEN brings together educators, emergency services, community organisations, researchers and others working with young people to develop knowledge, skills and solutions for a disaster resilient future. Through authentic learning partnerships, DRANZSEN invites young people to participate as active citizens in safe and resilient communities.