Handbook Showcase

Incident Management Handbook


2.00pm - 3.00pm (AEST), 31 May 2023



AIDR is pleased to launch the Incident Management Handbook. The Handbook forms part of the Australian Disaster Resilience Handbook Collection. 

Incident management includes the activities undertaken to:

  • prepare for an effective response to an incident
  • respond to an incident
  • enable an effective transition to recovery.

Having the capability and capacity to respond effectively to incidents reduces the likelihood of incidents escalating into an uncontrolled emergency or crisis. The effective management of an incident can assist in limiting the scale of consequences arising from the incident. Having an effective incident management capability and capacity assists to build the resilience of an entity and the community within which it operates.

Join the Australian Institute of Disaster Resilience for the launch of the new Incident Management Handbook. The Incident Management Handbook is part of the Australian Disaster Resilience Handbooks Collection.

The Handbook presents nationally agreed principles for good practice in incident management. It draws on and complements current good practice and provides guidance to entities in establishing an effective incident management capability.

In this 60-minute webinar we will hear from leading experts and incident management practitioners about implementing the Handbook principles in practice.


Guest speakers

David Parsons
Director, Crisis Management Australia 
Writer, Incident Management Handbook

David is an Adjunct Lecturer at the Australian Graduate School of Policing and Security Studies at Charles Sturt University, Director of Training with Response and Recovery Aotearoa New Zealand, senior educator with the Australian Centre for Investigation and Incident Management Solutions and the Director of Crisis Management Australia.

David is a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Emergency Services, a Fellow of the Business Continuity Institute, a Fellow of the Emergency Management Academy New York, a Life Member of the NSW State Emergency Service and a member of the International Association of Emergency Managers.

David holds a Masters in Emergency Management, and Degrees in Social Science and Education, has completed an Emergency Management Fellowship with the Emergency Management Academy in New York, the Leadership in Crises Program with the Harvard Kennedy Business School, the Neuroscience for Business Program at Sloane Business School, the Executive Presence and Influence Program at Wharton Business School and the Lessons Leaned Staff Officer Course with NATO.


Colin Muller
Business Resilience Manager, Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC)

Joining the Royal Australian Air Force in 1989 as an Aircraft Mechanical Engineer, re-mustering to Flight Engineer and later becoming an Operations Officer was the first of the insights into the flexibility that is incident management.

Inflight incident management is the simplest form of resilience get it right and you land get wrong and it’s a bumpy ride.

Adapting to unfolding circumstances allowing for the inclusion of as many success factors as possible that’s the premise for the simplicity of IMTs.

Joining the ABC in 2018 pre COVID-19 was just enough time to learn the basics before needing to adapt to keep the show on the air during challenging and unprecedented times.

In the ABC working with creative and artistic people to support entertainment and information whilst ensuring options for plan” B” are always in mind continually pushed innovation and imagination


Muriel Leclercq
Principal - Corporate Incident Management, Water Corporation

Muriel is an experienced emergency management and policy specialist with a 30-year history in the sector working operationally and strategically at all levels across the prevention, preparedness, response and recovery spectrum. Muriel is also a public policy practitioner of 7 years, with State level public sector experience as a manager and director working across senior levels of Government.

Muriel has an in-depth understanding of Incident and Emergency Management (EM), including its impact on essential services, having project managed the State EM Policy Review, authored the inaugural State EM Plan, and holding membership on a number of State Emergency Management Committees including the Essential Services Network Operators Reference Group and the Response Capability Subcommittee.

In her current role as Principal – Corporate Incident Management, Muriel is responsible for enhancing the Corporation’s capability to respond to incidents and emergencies; and is currently developing the Water Corporation’s incident, exercise and lessons management frameworks, as well as developing new and building on existing strategic relationships with critical partners and stakeholders.





John Richardson
Manager Knowledge Development, Australian Institute for Disaster Resilience.


About the Handbook Collection:

The Australian Disaster Resilience Handbook Collection:

  • provides an authoritative, trusted and freely available source of knowledge about disaster resilience principles in Australia
  • aligns national disaster resilience strategy and policy with practice, by guiding and supporting jurisdictions, agencies and other organisations and individuals in their implementation and adoption
  • highlights and promotes the adoption of good practice in building disaster resilience in Australia
  • builds interoperability between jurisdictions, agencies, the private sector, local businesses and community groups by promoting use of a common language and coordinated, nationally agreed principles.



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