
Professional Development Program

AIDR’s Professional Development Program delivers courses and events across Australia to challenge assumptions and build knowledge and practice in emergency management at all career stages.  The program benefits individuals across the entire sector; from volunteers to management teams, and across government, private sector, first response agencies and humanitarian organisations.

The Professional Development Program is responsive to the changing priorities and challenges presented by a range of disasters, and the spectrum of needs across organisations. The program provides engaging and innovative learning opportunities, enriched by contributions from regional, national and international experts. Participants will be exposed to industry best practice, and opportunities to engage and collaborate on national priorities.

The professional development program is guided by four key principles:

  • Education is an important component of professionalisation of the disaster resilience workforce. A robust education comes from a blend of formal teaching programs, seminars and networking.
  • Engagement is required at all levels across relevant organisations if we are to make a measurable impact in knowledge and culture across the sector.
  • Whilst single state/territory activities are cost effective, multi-state/territory activities play an important role in sharing experiences and accelerating culture change.
  • Activities that focus on the commonalities across Australia will generally have greater long-term impact than those which have a local focus.

Get involved

  • Stay up to date with professional development resources on the Knowledge Hub.

We welcome your questions and suggestions for future events and activities.