
Resilient Australia Awards

2024 Resilient Australia National Awards

Submissions now open

National Research for Impact Awards extended till 11.59pm 19 July 2024

The Resilient Australia Awards celebrate and promote initiatives that build whole of community resilience to disasters and emergencies around Australia as well as capture and share examples of resilience in action. The awards recognise collaboration and innovative thinking across a broad range of sectors and initiatives that strengthen disaster resilience with communities, institutions, and the private sector. Innovative models and approaches that create sustainable change are highly regarded.

The Resilient Australia Awards is proudly sponsored by the Australian Government in partnership with the states and territories and managed by the Australian Institute for Disaster Resilience (AIDR).

About the Resilient Australia Awards

The Resilient Australia Awards celebrate and promote initiatives that build whole of community resilience to disasters and emergencies around Australia as well as capture and share examples of resilience in action. The awards recognise collaboration and innovative thinking across a broad range of sectors and initiatives that strengthen disaster resilience with communities, institutions, and the private sector. Innovative models and approaches that create sustainable change are highly regarded.

Since being established in 2000, the awards have recognised outstanding contributions in each state and territory across multiple sectors and disciplines. The awards endorse a wide range of initiatives; with past projects centred around risk assessment and mitigation, planning and preparation, and response and recovery.

Winners from each state and territory are considered for the National Awards. Finalist projects benefit from national exposure via a range of marketing and communications channels and their presence at the National Awards Ceremony.

The Resilient Australia Awards is proudly sponsored by the Australian Government in partnership with states and territories and managed by the Australian Institute for Disaster Resilience (AIDR).

Submissions for the 2024 awards program must relate to projects or initiatives that commenced after 1 January 2022 or demonstrate significant outcomes or enhancements since 1 January 2022

The Resilient Australia Awards is proudly sponsored by the Australian Government in partnership with the states and territories and managed by the Australian Institute for Disaster Resilience (AIDR).

Further information on the program structure and submission requirements are contained in the guidelines.

Award categories

The Resilient Australia Awards is a two-tiered program. Submissions are judged in the state or territory they are submitted from, with winners from each state and territory considered for national awards.

State and territory award categories

Resilient Australia Business Award

Open to businesses and the private sector, including tertiary colleges and universities.

Resilient Australia Government Award

Open to state and federal government agencies.

Resilient Australia Local Government Award

Open to local governments and local government associations. 

Resilient Australia Schools Award

Open to all public and private pre-school, primary and secondary schools only.
School-related projects managed by other organisations should be submitted in other categories. 

Resilient Australia Photography Award

Open to individuals and groups.
Submissions will not be accepted without the permission of the copyright holder.

Resilient Australia Community Award

Open to communities, community based or focussed organisations, and non-government organisations. 

Resilient Australia Mental Health and Wellbeing Award

Open to all projects focussing on the mental health and wellbeing of Australian communities before, during and after a disaster.


Multi-jurisdictional projects

Projects that encompass activity in two states or territories must identify a 'lead-jurisdiction' and the project should be submitted to the relevant state or territory award category.


National award categories

Resilient Australia National Award

Award of excellence across all National Award categories. Projects demonstrate the most systemic change and groundbreaking results. Judges will consider winning projects from all Award categories except Photography.

 Resilient Australia National Collaboration and Partnership Award

Recognition of projects that encompass activity across two or more partners, sectors, states or territories, and consistently demonstrate the power of collaboration and partnership when working toward a goal or mission with partners combining efforts and resources. Judges will consider winning projects from all Award categories except Photography.

 Resilient Australia National Research for Impact Award

Open to all tertiary institutions (colleges and universities). Applicants will showcase research that is having or will have a significant impact on knowledge, capability and practice and will enhance disaster resilience outcomes as a result. Applications for this Category will only be received and judged at the national level.

Resilient Australia National Business Award

State and territory winners in the Business category will be considered for the Resilient Australia National Business Award.

Resilient Australia National Community Award

State and territory winners in the Community category will be considered for the Resilient Australia National Community Award.

Resilient Australia National Government Award

State and territory winners in the Government category will be considered for the Resilient Australia National Government Award.

Resilient Australia National Local Government Award

State and territory winners in the local government category will be considered for the Resilient Australia National Local Government Award.

Resilient Australia National Mental Health and Wellbeing Award

State and territory winners in the mental health and wellbeing category will be considered for the Resilient Australia National Mental Health and Wellbeing Award.

Resilient Australia National School Award

State and territory winners in the school category will be considered for the Resilient Australia National School Award.

Resilient Australia National Photography Award

The People’s Choice photography winner in each state and territory will be considered for the Resilient Australia National Photography Award.


Award category process map

This process map demonstrates how the jurisdictional award categories link through to the national awards. 


Download the category process map

People's Choice Photography Award

At the state and territory level, submissions for the Resilient Australia Photography Award are judged through a popular vote (People's Choice), conducted online via the AIDR Facebook pageAll approved photography submissions will be published in a Facebook album, with each 'like' or 'reaction' counted as a vote. The state or territory that the photo was submitted for will not be published. 

At the conclusion of the voting period, the album will be temporarily disabled and AIDR will tally and record the 'votes'. The photo with the most likes/reactions from each state and territory will win its jurisdictions Resilient Australia Photography Award. Once the votes have been counted, the content will be made available again on Facebook, however subsequent likes and reactions will not be considered votes. 

The public vote for the 2024 Resilient Australia Photography Award run 7 June – 21 June 2024.

National Photography Award

The winning photos from each state and territory will be considered for the Resilient Australia National Photography Award.

The National Photography Award winner will be decided by the Editorial Committee of the Australian Journal of Emergency Management (AJEM). The number of votes a photo received during the public vote will not be taken into consideration at the national level. 

The winning photograph will also be considered for the cover of the January 2025 issue of AJEM.