
Emergency risk assessment handbook published

A review of the National Emergency Risk Assessment Guidelines (NERAG) is now available on the AIDR Knowledge Hub. NERAG was first released in 2010 and reviewed in 2015.

The guidelines apply the ISO 31000:2018 – Risk management – Guidelines to emergency management. They present general information on risk management frameworks, establishing the context, and risk identification, and specific criteria for risk analysis (likelihood, consequence and confidence), detailed analysis and risk evaluation. 

It also includes information and references to newly published strategies and guidelines, including information related to default prioritisation of risks following risk evaluation.

Handbooks update

The Australian Disaster Resilience Handbook Collection provides an authoritative, trusted and freely available source of knowledge about disaster principles and practice.

AIDR is progressing the development of three new Handbooks in the collection, including:

The handbooks will be published on the AIDR Knowledge Hub in mid-2020.

For enquiries related to the Handbook collection please contact Senior Project Officer Katelyn Samson: