
Major Incidents Report 2019-20 under development

The 2019-20 edition of the report will provide a clear annual record of major incidents from a national perspective that have been regarded as significant by the sector.

Drafting of the Major Incidents Report 2019-20 is currently underway and for the first time a steering committee of key stakeholders across jurisdictions has been established to guide the development of the report.

The purpose of the Major Incidents Report 2019-20 is to have a clear annual record of major incidents from a national perspective that have been regarded as significant by the sector. The report will provide background information about the incident, the response to it and, where identified, lessons learnt.

The report will provide a summary of incidents that occurred during the 2019-20 financial year that presented unusual challenges to the fire and emergency service agencies involved in managing them. The Major Incidents Report 2019-20 will be published electronically and will be easily accessible and useful for people involved in emergency management. Limited print editions will also be available.

The report will be relevant to anyone working in, or with an interest in, disaster resilience and emergency management. This includes Australian, state, territory and local government departments, emergency management agencies, non-government organisations, community groups, educators, researchers, planners, businesses and the private sector.  It is expected that international organisations involved in emergency management will also find the report of value.