
New collection focuses on international and local resilience resources

The Disaster Resilience Directory hosts a variety of resources and commitments from international bodies and Australia.

A new collection provides a central point of access for international, national and jurisdictional resources that illustrate commitments and strategies for disaster resilience.

The Disaster Resilience Directory – available on the AIDR Knowledge Hub – brings together a list of high-level groups and organisations that focus on resilience towards natural hazards.

International directory

The World Health Organisations estimates 2.6 billion people were affected by natural hazards in the last decade.

There are a variety of agreements and frameworks in place to underpin sustainability and disaster resilience to reduce these figures in a changing climate.

The Disaster Resilience Directory includes the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-30, The Paris Agreement 2015 and the Sustainable Development Goals 2015-30.

These agreements are complemented by reports on international disasters, risks and an assessment of global disaster risk from the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction.

National directory

Emergency Management Australia, in the Department of Home Affairs and a partner of AIDR, has a variety of resources available to assist with Australia’s national disaster resilience strategy.

The resources are divided into frameworks, strategies, guidelines, principles and plans and include high level initiatives like the National Disaster Risk Reduction Framework and the National Strategy for Disaster Resilience.

Jurisdictional directory

State and territory governments work with their local government counterparts to enhance disaster awareness and resilience. This page reflects the commitments and plans produced by each Australian state and territory.

The resources available at a state and territory level include disaster resilience strategies in Queensland and South Australia, emergency management plans, and perspectives from Resilient Sydney and Resilient Melbourne, who formed part of the Rockefeller Foundation’s 100 Resilient Cities.

The AIDR Knowledge Hub hosts good practices resources for disaster resilience.

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